Thursday, August 19, 2010

Georgian Bay

Cousin Ted and I decided to head up to Georgian Bay on Thursday for some fishing. As far as the fishing goes it was a disaster. Caught nothing! At least we were prepared. Had a cooler full of food and drinks. We went to a place near Honey Harbour. There's a cottage rental place there which also rents boats, it's called Hall's Cottages. Everything is right on the harbour and the cottage rates are pretty good, though there is no seclusion. So we got up there at 8am, rented a boat and were off for the day.

As we set off we got a photo of one of the cottages they rent.
Slow ride out of the harbour.
One thing we did do out there was practice some basic navigation skills. I have charts of the area and we used landmarks and chart symbols to navigate through the channel, some inner bays, a couple marinas, and out into open water...where we marooned ourselves on Doom Island. Actually it's a rock with two trees on it and is too small to have a name so we named it ourselves! Stopped here in this patch of rocks, went ashore and tried fishing from here. Ted had a bite and got it real close to shore but this is Doom Island, and the fish got away...

Such a lonely, desperate time on Doom Island.
Crayfish hunting on Doom Island. Caught a few to use as bait but no luck still. This is after all...Doom Island!!!

Poor cousin Ted...stranded on...Doom Island!!! Ya, I should mention, poor cousin Ted got something of a nasty burn out here, despite going through 12 litres of sun block. But we should have expected as much. This is after all...Doom Island!!!

We still had a great time. In total we spent about 10 hours on the lake. Ted took the helm for a while too. Gave him a few simple instructions and he was boating in no time. We'll make a skipper of you yet, young lad!

So off we went, leaving Doom Island behind us and back into the bays and harbours. Stopped of at a couple marinas, got more drinks, checked out the local talent, refueled, and finally went back to Hall's cottages.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Hehehe. Went out today and found me some woods. Gotts get a shot of these camoflauge clothes in the field. They are patterned for fall hunting season so the background was still a bit green, but what the heck.

Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits!

Oh look, thewe's one now!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The pirate, the cowboy, and indy

Wow, this was one crazy week. Can't believe I crammed so much into 7 days.
It started with the weekend. Saturday and Sunday I took my last 2 sailing classes. Honestly, I can sail. There really isn't that much to it. Did quite well too. I almost volunteered to be the man overboard for the COB (crew overboard) rescue training. Glad I didn't. I'd still be there today waiting for those guys to get me. Had tons of fun and spent most of the 2 days on the water. Writing the exam on the 15th but that will be more of an excersise than a test (I actually read the book! What's wrong with everyone? Why don't people just read the book?) I'm trying to find a course for VHF radio operators license and coastal navigation. Impossible to find in the summer. As part of my course they gave me a social membership at the Whitby Yacht Club. I'll have to get my porter to find me suitable accomadations near the marina. Not really a big deal but it means I can hang out on Wednesdays and offer my services as crew on any boat for the weekly races. Good practice without having to rent a boat.
Still need a decent photograph of me on a yacht though. By the way, this makes my a licensed day skipper (captain will still do just fine). Not that you legally need a license to sail but you'll not be renting a boat without it!

So the next day I went for dinner with Steve who was leaving the following day for a 16 day trip to Macedonia. Apparently staying on a hillside hotel kinda in the country but close to town. Have tons of fun Steve!!

Tuesday I started my riding lessons. Nice little farm in Pickering called Stone Ridge. They certainly have the facilities but I don't see many people about. Maybe Tuesdays are only for us cowboy types. Getting full lessons starting with cleaning my horse, Raven, saddling her and putting a bridle on. Raven is a quarter horse and we're good friends now. Damn it, no picture of this either. I'll get one next week, with my cowboy hat on! Nothing too spectacular happened. I got on Raven, we walked in circles, then started trotting and I began my first real lesson, posting. Did OK but still need more practice. My ass did hurt just a little afterwards from the bouncing around for the first few laps.

Finally there was the camping trip to Massasauga Provincial Park. The campsites are boat access only and for a few you have to travel up part of Georgian Bay. I decided canoeing would be my mode of transport. Should have looked at the map more carefully before picking out my site. So I'm on a tiny canoe which after getting all my gear into it I only have a tiny spot at my feet to put my navigator in. And I crammed it. Had a bag tied with rope over the front seat. Canoed for 10 km against 10-15 km winds for about 90% of the trip. If you want to know what it's like do the following excersise; [fill your bathtub half way with water and the other half soil. mix it real good til you have a smooth mud. get a small shovel, sit on the side of your tub, put the shovel head completely into the mud near one end and drag it to the other end of the tub. you must do this at a reasonably good speed to avoid losing speed or worse, getting pushed backwards. you may take your first break in an hour. just continue this excersise for 4 hours not including the breaks you take, but don't break too long you still need to set up camp and get dinner started] Challenging but I gotta admit I enjoyed it. Got out to our site, set up camp and got dinner started. Over the next few days all we did was fish(Kiwi hates fishing), go for walks(Kiwi loves walks) and canoe about in our bay(Kiwi loves canoes). The nights are interesting out there. Lots of activity in the woods and the marsh. Something really big was walking around in the water and shaking itself off, probably deer but quite a surprise to wake up to. On the second night there was other noises that put Kiwi on high alert. Cutie thinks she can protect me so if I'm sleeping she'll jump on me and growl at anything that comes close to me. Thanks Kiwi!
I think next time I'll go with a power boat. Canoes are fine but out there the winds can really pick up and some areas get quite the waves. The ride back was much easier as the wind was on my back 90% of the way.

Kiwi earned rank of navigator on this trip!

View from camp. The site is just inside an inlet of the bay.

Catching some sun on the canoe, Kiwi took the picture.

Kiwi guarding the fort. She likes being out there but still needs her beauty rest.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Sailing - Part 1

Shiver me timbers.

Started up the sailing lessons this weekend. Went really well ,despite the rain and choppy waters. I did get a little queazy from all the pitching and rolling but didn't hurl. Two full days on the water and I'd say I've learned to sail, just need more practice. Had lots of fun on the second day when it was less instruction and more following orders from our skipper, Neil. Next weekend is the second and last part of the course then I write the exam.
That spectacular vessel you see above is the ship I'm learning on, it's a Tanzer 22. She's a real beauty ain't she! After this course I'll be able to take a boat up to 30 feet in moderate winds. Can't wait til next week!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Gear up!

Ok, all bases covered. A few additions to my equipment and now I'm ready for anything. Gotta have all your gear and it has to be ready to go at all times. Picked up a new tent, some paddles, some hunting clothes (I'm putting these to the test this week. I'll be video taping the effectiveness of high quality camoflauge, hehehe. Check in later this week for video.) binoculars(for bird watching of course) and a bunch of odds and ends.
Also I picked up a can of boat paint so I'll be giving the canoe a fresh painting this week. It's the least I can do, the canoe is on loan for the summer. Thanks Becks! By the way, why is that stuff so expensive?!
On my to-do this week is riding lessons. I've been on a horse before but lessons are the best way to improve skills quicker. So I got riding boots on stand-by and my cowboy hat, although they might make me wear a helmet in the beginning(also on stand-by) Place is in Pickering called Stone Ridge Farm. I'll let you all know how it is.
And Monday morning I'm stopping in Whitby to sign up for sailing lessons. It's 2 weekends, full days, total learn to sail but in a smallish boat in moderate weather. Gotta wait til fall to take my coastal navigation but I've learned how to navigate fairly well already. Charts people! There's a reason these things are made.
I've asked just about everyone if they want to go riding or sailing and it's no's all around so this will be solo. And as far as camping goes the job I'm doing will be finished this week so I'm marking myself 'unavailable' next week and I'm off to Massasauga for a few days. Looks like it'll be just me and everyone's favorite wildlife.

The most dangerous animal on the planet.
She likes camping, killing things, and chasing balls!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sunfest and sunshine

What are you planning to do with that thumb dude?!

Can you believe it. First time out and he catches the biggest bass!! Well, arguably he stole that one from George. This is Lake Scugog. Joel and I headed out early and got a boat while George was sleeping or something, slacker. Nice thing about Scugog is that Port Perry is right on the lake. George called when he got into town and we simply drove the boat right up to shore behind the Tim Hortons. Lots of public access all over the lake, funny thing is it seems impossible to find from shore. Hmmm. We got some bass, only Joel's are worthy of mention though, a bunch of sunfish and some perch. Damn those muskie, I'll get one eventually.

London Sunfest. Uhhhh what's with the band?

Have to do it. Visit some of the festivals I spent so much time at in the past but was working to much to appreciate.
BACKGROUND: Used to import stuff from Thailand and spent most of my summer weekends working at festivals trying to sell it. Great job but would have been nice to have time to check out the festivals.
So here I am at London's Sunfest 2010. A 4 day fetival of something that begins this year on July 9th. It's a nice park set in downtown London. Not a great photo but I needed one for the record. Checked out some of the talent, stopped by to visit friends, and get a snack. Then POW, stupid phone rings and I gotta get back to Toronto to meet a client. Rain was starting up anyways.
Might hit London's Home County Fair this week, not sure yet.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Something for the whole family.
You'll need a slide, cut the ladder off, get a heavy duty rope, and a truck. I recommend grassy area for this as it reduces friction.
Steve, you're a champ!

MUSH, you lousy, flea bitten vermin, I say MUSH!

Family trip

I'll skip the first trip to Woods Bay, just summerize. Dark, cold, wet.

But we did go back a couple weeks later in the day, near the end of June, bass season! This was a family trip made up of cousin Ted, George and myself. Went out to Woods Bay, checked a few marinas and finally found one who had a boat available to rent for the day. One of us had his PCOC (we all know who that is, the responsible one), we got a little aluminum boat with a motor and headed out. Instead of staying in Woods Bay (having the luxury of speed and power our 12', 30hp boat gave us) we headed up to Blackstone Harbour in search of muskie...

Ok no muskie today but not a disappointment. We all caught bass that day. Ted was especially happy because he said it was the first 'real' fish he'd ever caught. We moved around on the lake a few times, George caught some perch which I had hooked up as bait for a muskie (still no luck), then headed back. Bit of a short trip as we all got up a little late. We'll go out for a whole day or two next time.

NOTE: If you really, really want to go fishing in the morning don't stay up until 4am playing video games, even if it's online Halo!

I'd prefer if you called me 'Captain' but sir will do!

This is George, the guy on the right with the arm.

That's one sexy fish Captain.

Look at that smile. Mama's gonna be so proud.

No bones about it, Ted caught the biggest fish that day. Congradulations Ted, the championship belt is yours...for now.

Break time

No, it's not some exotic island patio/cafe.

Breaks are an important part of my day. They ensure I'm always late and that adds to my sense of importance or demonstrates the high demand for my skills. Of course I tell clients I'm in a meeting or on an emergency call or got held up in negotiations or something like that. You'd be surprised how well it works if you don't push too far.
Special shout out to Steve, who I've known 24 or 25 years. He and George are with me at Mr. Greeks for lunch. Recently had a discussion with Steve and concluded that if I didn't go out for lunch or dinner with him I'd almost never go out. That's because the rest of you %^$&ers work too much or have to go home to other responsibilities or something lame like that. We usually hook up several times a week and occasionally drive to some small town for lunch, that's pretty interesting.

Only complaint is that there are no good cafes in Scarborough or Markham. Any suggestions?

Back on the Rouge

I don't recommend the Rouge for a serious fishing trip, but as it's close by it's a great spot to kill time on a nice day when you don't want to go too far. Don't think I'll eat anything that comes out of there despite what the Ministry of Environment says. Good variety of fish though. I go to the mouth of the Rouge and fish from shore or sometimes take my Voyaguer 500 into the marsh area.

Smelly fish, smelly fish... Caught this carp at night, lots of carp.

And this catfish was caught with a net.
Don't mind the hair, I was going through a monk phase.

Some dude pulled up a pike one time, yes I saw it. And there's trout in there but god knows where. A I'm sure a few more species of pan fish. Again, not too sure about the 'pan' thing.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Papers please.

Keeping it ligit means getting all the paperwork required to keep me from getting some enormous fine. So this spring I took my hunters education course and got my hunting license. I got an H2 which means no firearms. If you're goona hunt you may as well do it like a man, take your prey down with a bow, or run it down in the woods, jump on its back, and use a knife to kill it. Maybe I'll stick to bow hunting. Picked up my small games license in case I run into a fox whose just itching to become a boa, you know, the classy ones that have the mouth done up to clamp onto the tail. Pimp! Already got my fishing license.

NOTE: My instructor, Walter Bent(good guy, if you want to take your hunters education I recommend him, he's in Scarborough) advises, based on experience, not to jump out of a tree and onto the back of an antlered deer. Hmmmm!

So that done, I went to get my PCOC (Pleasure Craft Operatots Card) which you need anywhere in Ontario to operate any water craft with a motor on it. (under 10hp might not be required, but check first) Bass Pro cost a few dollars more but they always have someone on hand if you just want to write the exam and if you need they offer a course 2 or 3 times a week.

Still on my list to get this summer:
  • CYA Basic Sailing
  • Coastal Navigation
  • First Aid (one of us will need this real bad one day!)
  • Turkey Seminar (need a seperate turkey sensitvity course to get a license. really?)
  • VHF Radio Operator (that's a big 10-4 buddy...over)

So if any of you slackers are thinking about getting one of these call me and we can do it together. We can be like study buddies or something.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Algonquin Park

So now that we're broken in it was time to head up to Algonquin, without Kiwi. Decided on a portage. We put in at Rock Lake and paddled the whole thing with a strong headwind. WTF! That was a workout. Portage was ok, only about 450m on hilly ground. Had to do 2 trips though. Then put in again at Pen Lake. On our way out we were told all sights but one were taken, but they couldn't say if those people had gone out or not so we should take the first empty sight we see. We paddled out a bit trying to decide if it was worth the paddle(still got headwind) to see if there was a really nice camp site. We didn't go far before turning around to set up camp at the first site. Of course, while we were sipping coffee and making lunch we saw at least 7 other groups come in behind us. Like, every site was available! But it was nice where we were anyways. So we stayed a couple of days, battled the worst deer fly attack ever, did lots of canoeing and fishing, and lots of eating. Had a good time out there, it was my first visit to Algonquin. I'm all primed up for a longer trip in the near future, maybe Massasauga Provincial Park off Georgian Bay.
No wildlife near our camp but there was evidence of moose having passed by recently. The ones we saw were off the road

Stupid moose ran away. But I got a shot of its ass!
Mmmmmm, moose ass.

Canoeing Pen Lake

Fishing Pen Lake. It's not a canary!

Speaking of birds, the day we set up camp we had the brilliant idea of bathing in the lake, in May! Can you say cold? So there we were, naked, taking a bath in what felt like an ice bucket. Didn't do much to stop the deer flies and mosquitos biting.
NOTE:Don't jump in a lake until July!

Really?! Is that the best I can do?
That's actually a trout. No, I didn't keep it.

Ohhh, coffee pot's on. Mmmmm, camp coffee.

So plans are in the works. July I'm hitting Massasauga Park. Planning maybe 4 or 5 days camping and fishing. I'm on a mission to get myself a monster muskie. Damn muskie!

Monday, July 5, 2010

My new boat

Just picked up my new boat in May. Voyaguer 500. High performance vessel for the real outdoorsman. Took it out to the Rouge for some hard core boating and fishing.

Oh yeah baby, plenty of room on board for two.

Just don't get in my way while I'm fishing!

TV Stars

Last year George and I did a short promo skit with Igor for a new show. Why not?! Done everything else. This spring we did another shoot. Jeffrey(camera guy) and Igor came by a job site to get more footage, expand on the theme and prepare a longer promo. Still in the works and being pitched to some guy somewhere in some business or another. Kinda fun. If the show gets picked up good chance we're on board. Never mind the show, he's actually a good guy.

Aaaaand CUT! OK, that's a wrap.

Still trying to get my hands on a good copy. I'll upload it the minute I do.

Camping at Rockwood

First time camping in years. Went with Becks to Rockwood Provincial Park. Just a drive in camp site but Rockwood is really nice. Mid May so nights are still cool. Lucky I brought Kiwi to keep my feet warm at night.

Spot the wildlife. Hint: maost dangerous animal on earth!

View of the park.

Come to think of it, the days were pretty cold as well.

Becks going out on a limb to add excitement to our hike.

Where the park gets its name. Rock everywhere.

That's odd, no pictures of me at Rockwood. Thanks for not killing anyone Kiwi, would have been a real downer, you too Becks!


At the cottage(rented) with John and George in April. Great spot for bass! Mmmmmmm, bass. Couldn't keep em, too bad. But what do I care, I didn't catch any of them. Stupid bass.
NOTE: Think carefully before you you put a contractor in charge of making the beer bong!
George's contraption was well made but can you say 'industrial'. I'll get that picture up when George sends it. I had the distinguished honour of being first.

Ya ya, keep smiling.

You might want to cook it first.

Smelt Fishing

Ok, no 'fishing stories', I'll be honest. You can trust me because I'm a contractor and I fish!! Not much action in the beginning of the season. No photos to verify our stupidity but those who know us will believe it. A freind, we'll call him John(so everyone knows who it is) came up with the brilliant idea to go smelt fishing, in the beginning of March, without checking when the smelt run is. So off we go, 'John', George, and me.
NOTE: smelt is fished by going out to a lake, near shore or off a dock and dropping a large net into the water, sinking it to the night, with a generator going, powering a massive flood light attracting the smelt to your net.
So there we were, 2:00am, 2 degrees, and snowing...alone on the dock. Alone because we MISSED the smelt run. Took us about an hour to figure out we messed up. Maybe next year.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


So ya, I know, winter was a little boring. I'm blaming the weather. Wet all the time and barely a foot of base. Didn't even go skating, rinks were still in their wading pool mode most of the time. Hmmm, spring. I'd have to say not bad. Started fishing early on, allbeit with very little success(can't count bass, it"s the only thing we pulled out of the water and bass season doesn't start until the end of June).
A few fishing trips, got out to a cottage a freind had rented(more fishing), camping in Rockwood(tame, brought my dog), camping in Algonquin(not so tame, we did a portage), got my PCOC(boating card), got my H2(hunting license, no firearms), been practicing my archery(don't wanna miss on my first hunt and have some lame animal running around the woods for the next 3 years with one of my arrows sticking out the side of its ass!), and even went to my first drive in(saw Robinhood) and of course more fishing. I'm bent on catching a big muskie this year. Gotta have goals, can't live without purpose.

Glen Eden

Come on! It's not that bad.

Taking a break. Where's the coffee man?

Just couldn't get her on the hills!

Becks actually showed up with all her gear(pretty pink things) but wouldn't ride. Come on, who does that. Still has champ status though. Her first time snow boarding we went to Tremblant. I expect a little more from you next season Becks!

Got George out as well. Unfortunately his knee is a little messed up so one good crash and he's out for the whole season. Video didn't look bad but he twisted his leg up pretty good. I was going to put it up and decided against it. Wait for better footage. And was cruddy so I'll give you a pass this year but you're getting a call the day the lifts are open and you're coming out whether you want to or not(even though you're a skier, I'll let that slide too!)

Overall a really bad year for winter activity. Come on, this is Canada. What's with the mild winters? Next year I'm going to Banff if I have to walk there, or cross country ski.

Dude actually came out!

There's a story here, I'll keep it simple. years ago dude went out and gave it a try. Disaster! Anyhow, said he'd never do it again. He came just to hang out, put on the gear for show. I'm like, Dude, let me give you a lesson, you might like it if you're not falling the whole way down the hill. Dude can't wait for the snow to start up again!! Thanks for coming out Dude.


Once again the new year begins in the middle of winter. Lots to do, you just gotta get out and do. For me winter means snow boarding season. Took a few trips on my own this year because no one felt like going out.

Friday, July 2, 2010


I'm not a blogger, can't normally stomach all this internet 'look at me' stuff. But I've been following another blog thinking 'gosh, that's an awesome trip' and it really makes me want to take the same trip. Won't be doing that anytime soon for reasons I'd rather not mention, but there is a lot I can do in Ontario. Things I do anyways, but more of it and try to add something new as well. Inspired by Rebecca to blog my adventures, try to get some friends more interested in all the fun, and maybe they'll remember that it was just a few years ago that we didn't make excuses for not getting out there and having fun. We just did it. We always had good times and when we came home life was still there, the world hadn't ended in our absence, and we had no more problems then we did before we shirked our responsibilities in the name of adventure. That said I'll start at the beginning of 2010 and try to get in as much as I remember. You all know who you are, stop being little bitches, get out there and do it!