Things to do before I die

  1. Skydiving
  2. Travel to Asia
  3. Travel to Europe, all good countries
  4. Scuba diving (learned to do it but still haven't done open water)
  5. Drive a car at insane speeds  280kmh
  6. Sail across the Atlantic
  7. Ride an elephant in the jungle  Thailand
  8. Ride a camel through a desert
  9. Go camping, cowboy style, with a horse
  10. Visit the pyramids
  11. Go on jungle expedition in South America, actually look for lost ruins
  12. Visit the Acropolis
  13. Snowboard a real mountain, Mont Tremblant is nice but I mean MOUNTAIN
  14. Fire an automatic machine gun  Philippines
  15. Get in a car chase with police, and get away  they got me 2 weeks later
  16. Spend some time in jail, just to see what it's really like  72 days because of that car chase
  17. Learn to play an instrument, cowbell doesn't count
  18. Camp in Algonquin Park
  19. Learn to speak Greek
  20. Hunt deer and make a trophy of the antlers
  21. Catch a muskie weighing at least 50 lbs
  22. Deep sea fishing for something big